That Rope Drop Magic

It’s Saturday morning. Time is approximately 7:20. My grandpa pulls up to the drop off zone. Ashley and I hop out of the car. “Ok Grandpa, we’ll be waiting for you here around 10 tonight. Thank you for taking us. Love you!” I say as I close the car door. We run to the back of the line that seems the shortest. The lines for Saturday mornings are alway longer than weekdays, but it goes fast. The excitement in my body is building with every magical chime I hear, as guests are accepted into the park. I unzip my blue, clear Little Mermaid backpack and pull out my annual pass. I’m ready. My heart leaps as my annual pass is scanned. The ethereal tinkling envelopes my aura, and I glide beyond the entrance gates, welcomed home once more.

I check my Mickey Mouse watch. 7:40. 20 minutes to go. I look up to take in the timeless words memorialized in bronze above the tunnel leading into Main Street. “Here you leave today and enter the world of Yesterday, Tomorrow and Fantasy.” A sigh of contentment and emotion passes my lips, as the moisture in my eyes well over. Gets me every time. I’m home.

Main Street greets Ashley and me as we stroll past the shops I’m so familiar with. My mouth waters as the scents of vanilla and freshly baked goods flow through my nostrils. I’ll have to come back later for a snack. For now, I’m on a mission. A quick glance at my wrist tells me it’s almost time. We need to get into position. We reach a small crowd already gathered to the left of the Partner statue. “Good morning guys.” I give Mickey and Walt a morning greeting before joining Ashley behind the crowd. Only a few more minutes! Time seems to crawl very slowly, and once again I feel my heartbeat can be felt throughout the group of people surrounding us. The final countdown…5…4…3…2…1!

The cast member appears to be moving in slow motion as she unhooks the rope and invites us to walk toward Adventureland. “Please walk, do not run!” she shouts in the midst of the cacophony of voices. I grab Ashley’s hand and we rush towards the arched sign, trying our best not to break out into a run. Our speed walking is, I’m sure, record breaking. Turn the corner, past the Enchanted Tiki Room on the left, past the Adventureland Bazaar on the right, past The Jungle Cruise and Indiana Jones Adventure on the left. We have made it to New Orleans Square. Finally! I breathe deeply and take in the open scene before me. The Rivers of America welcome us to my favorite part of Disneyland. This is my happy corner. The place I always choose to begin my happiest days here in the park. My destination: The Haunted Mansion.